“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” ~ Vivian Greene Bribie Island National Park is situated 65km north of Brisbane, Queensland, and is linked to the mainland via a bridge. The geography of the park is made up of sand dunes, heathland, paperbark wetlands, […]

Bribie Island National Park Australian native flora

“Often the most precious gifts of life come in ways we neither plan nor expect.” ~ Radhanath Swami Recently I went back to Small Cave trail at Plunkett Regional Park, with the intention to return and capture on camera, all the birds I’d spotted the previous week. However what I found was that those birds […]

Muse: a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. ~ Source UNKNOWN Welcome to my first, brand-spanking new blog! What I love about blogs is that I get to elaborate on a single story, theme or particular subject of interest. I love fleshing out ideas and concepts to […]